Tuesday, 2 March 2010


I've been away in Belgium my lovelies, sorry I haven't been able to post whilst I've been away. I ate a lot, purged a few times. Start weight for march is 134lbs. Eurgh.

I'm going to do the goals slowly. I'm also considering being a complete hypocrite; I said that *faddy diets* didn't work. Well I'm now swallowing my pride and considering starting ABC again. For about 10days at a time maybe? More on this later.

Today I ate a patty, 4 bbq wings and chips, and chocolate.
I threw up the chocolate.
So I ended up consuming around 700 calories.

I need to sort myself out. Earlier I was throwing up the first lot of chocolate in the bathroom, when my little sisiter called to me from downstairs. I ended up having a conversation with her mid-purge. I also purged later, more chocolate, in the kitchen sink whilst she was downstairs. Blood came up. Does that mean anything in particular?

Maybe when I'm thin enough I'll admit to an eating disorder. But right now it's not an option.

Also, I need more texting buddies. Urgently. Let me know lovelies.


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